Store-bought ice cream worth buying
As you may have read in a previous post, I was thoroughly disappointed with the quality of Dreyer's Chocolate Fudge Brownie Loaded ice cream. I ranted about how The Man is sticking it to us by resizing the standard half-gallon to 1.5 quarts (that's a 25% reduction). I had all but lost faith in non-premium ice cream when the hubby brought this one home.

Lovin' Scoopful... the name says it all. Had I not read the container, I never would have guessed that this was a light ice cream. It was -- dare I say -- satisfying. Not quite a half-gallon, but 1/8 less is better than 1/4 less.

If I didn't want it to be true, I wouldn't believe the way their numbers stacked up to Dreyer's. Lovin' Scoopful is first.

Thank you, Lovin' Scoopful. You rock!
Lovin' Scoopful... the name says it all. Had I not read the container, I never would have guessed that this was a light ice cream. It was -- dare I say -- satisfying. Not quite a half-gallon, but 1/8 less is better than 1/4 less.
If I didn't want it to be true, I wouldn't believe the way their numbers stacked up to Dreyer's. Lovin' Scoopful is first.
Thank you, Lovin' Scoopful. You rock!
Labels: ice cream
Does somebody make ice cream without high fructose corn syrup? That stuff is very bad for you.
I haven't studied ingredient lists, but I know of one: Haagen Daz's Five line.
I'm sure the manufacturers are hearing comments like yours and starting to respond with more "back to basics" products like this. Yay!
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